Excellent, great, friendly, clear, concise plain speaking.
Excellent, great, friendly, clear, concise plain speaking.
Quite a happy team, great attitude, all have smiles on faces. Advice has sunk in – all gone in. I understand what I’ve done, what I should have done, what I shouldn’t have done. Feel apprehensive about the future but looking to receiving more good advice.
10 out of 10. Can’t fault you. Gave me the time I wanted to meet up. It’s all very easy.
Very happy with the service I receive. You do everything for me. I do nothing myself. I’ve got no worries at all. Everything is sorted for me. You can always get hold of someone and receive good advice quickly. Very happy
Do a cracking job, good cup of coffee. Friendly, is great.
Much friendlier than previous accountants. Pleasant when meeting. Monthly standing order is great. Lovely and really friendly staff either in person or on the phone. Phone answered straight away. Always have a laugh.
Friendly, informative. Atmosphere is nice. It’s a personal atmosphere and makes us feel important.
Good friendly service, easy to get hold of. Does what it says on the tin!
Easy to get hold of. Quick responses. Speak plain English. Always explains things easily to me. If I don’t get it you explain things in a different way so I do get it.
Very good, I look forward to our chats, I really do. Some people are really hard to talk to but you’re so easy to talk to. Very polite, kind and a happy team.
Friendly, kind, a good cup of tea. Helpful. Easy access. Always feel welcomed. Happy with my tax repayment. Good atmosphere. Very helpful. It was a scary experience with HMRC. I feel I know what I’m doing.
Tel: 01455 233 733
Fax: 01455 210 012
Email: info@ce-l.com
Address: 8 Regent Court, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0AD